Here are several examples of very healthy food.

Healthy Food daily is what your "diet" needs to be and not something you do once in a while. It includes knowing how many Calories you burn daily so you know how much you need to eat daily. Understand how much you need to eat daily by using our proprietary calculator. You will quickly determine how many Calories you burn daily based upon "you" - your weight and your daily routine.

Female in Yoga Position

Exercise is equally as important and you need to make it a part of your life. Find out how many calories you burn daily - even if you don't exercise. As a member, you can do this using our proprietary calculator. Once you know how many Calories you burn daily, you will know how much you need to eat daily for your goals.

Female Yoga Class

If you do not know your heart rate during your exercise you won't know if you are burning fat or muscle. Any activity that increases your hear rate over 65% of your maximum heart rate will NOT burn fat! Review our heart rate calculator to "know" when your body is no longer using fat for energy.

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